It was Maggie's first visit to remote Campbell River (from her view, and people in Victoria had said to her "why in the world would you want to go to Campbell River?"). We made friends with this vulcano of an Irish fashion designer, had a wonderful fashion show as an introduction into her world, two subsequent intense workshop and even another bonus day with Maggie.
A number of projects were started spontaneously ("I think all I have knitted so far was boring" said one knitting pro). Maggiknits' very special yarns and pattern books are now available in our store, a Maggiknits knit-along starts on April 10th (interested knitters can also join at a later date) and we made tentative plans to have Maggie Jackson back in 2011 for workshops and/or a special retreat.
Please take in a couple of shots taken during this fashion

Many more photos were shot, but I am struggling to get them posted here. I will try to set up a slideshow.
Thanks to all helpers! The models were stunning!