You have all seen the cute furry flip-flops that many of the young girls are wearing this summer. Wonder how they are done? Lois and I spent some time experimenting last week and you can see the result in the photo. It is a little awkward at first to crochet around the strap, but it didn't take long at all. We used flip-flops with straps about 1/2 inch wide, a furry polyester yarn (Boa by Bernat, but any "fun fur" yarn would work) and a 4 mm crochet hook. We found that for us single crochet worked the best. As we worked, we pushed the stitches together so that the strap didn't show through. The piece between the toes was not worked. A great gift for that special little girl in your life. Quick, easy and inexpensive, especially if you have left over yarn from knitting scarves.