Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sweat Baby Cap - In a Storm

We were hit by a gigantic storm about 10 days ago and afterwards Alison sent me this email: "I hope you and the house survived the big windstorm intact. We fared well, except for our back fence which needed to be put back up, and a scared dog who hid under the bed for three hours after the lightning storm. We were without power for most of yesterday, but all is well.

The power outage gave me lots of time to knit yesterday (no housework with no electricity!), and I got a baby hat made from a pattern I found online.

It works really nicely with sock yarn, and can be made with less than one 50 gm ball. It should also work with Naturally Stella (bamboo), Mandarin Petit (cotton) and Alpaca with a Twist Fino for those who don't want to knit it in wool. I'll bring the hat in tomorrow".
Get the pattern and the source where Alison found it HERE and enjoy it even without having a storm!