We got exciting new yarns in from
The Great Andirondack Yarn Co. in Amsterdam, New York. As Alison says: This yarn has the "ooooh" factor built into it, and has to be seen and felt to be appreciated. Each skein is hand dyed in a variety of colours (we started with four) and fibers (three so far).
Sierra - a chunky 100% Alpaca yarn that comes in 600 yard skeins (about 230g) which retail for $58.95; see our four
Clouds - a beautiful "cloudy" mohair blend with metallic fibre spun into it for scarf knitters. See the available
Bella - has some nylon, rayon and metallic fibers added to kid mohair for a really luxurious mix. See
shades in the picture to the left.
This yarn must be seen to be appreciated, so stop by!