The Yarn Department of the Needle & Arts Centre expanded to become one of the most beautiful yarn stores with one of the biggest selections of quality yarns in Western Canada! Supported by several highly qualified knitting and needlework consultants, we offer drop-ins and individual knitting and crochet consulting every day. Tea and coffee are free in our Knit Cafe which is the place for learning, for exchange of experience and for relaxation. Visit www.needlenart.com.
Come in - Relax - Enjoy!
Our Knit Café exists for more than a year now, moved around in the store a bit and found a nice and bright niche in front of our store window display. There is always (free!) Tea and Coffee on. By the way, we prefer all kind of variations of the tasty and healthy Roibos tea from South Africa. Check it out!
The funny part is that more and more passers-by come in and think it's a real Coffee Shop and then flee the scene when we offer them a knitting lesson.
These are from left Cissel, our Norwegian friend, knitter and helper, Lois, our Needlework instructor and knitter, who knows every technique you never have heard of, then a customer, and Inge, the store owner and avid knitter, too.
Come in for a free coffee or tea, - knit, crochet, work on your Needlework - and chat, too! You may even rent needles for $2 (proceeds going to a local charity - NADIS); you get a first free lesson with the purchase of yarn. But this in not all.
Regular lessons are $5 if you bought your yarn in our store or $10 if you bring your own yarn which you bought somewhere else. Make use of the free refence Library in English, German and Norwegian. You may also browse our large selection Knitting Magazines laid out for your leisure and inspiration!