Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Summer wraps

Last time I wrote, I was wondering if Summer had arrived, now we know it has and we have been enjoying absolutely gorgeous weather here on the West Coast. Inge and I have been knitting summer wraps using the free pattern that Estelle Yarns provides. In fact at www.estelleyarns.com you can find all kinds of summer wraps and ponchos. We have been using Watercolours which is a beautiful 50/50 acrylic mohair blend - very soft and not itchy at all - and Malizia which is a ribbon type yarn with little flowers. Inge also added Whisper by Estelle which is a very fine yarn with long fibres - looks gorgeous. The triangular wraps knit up very quickly in garter stitch and are perfect for summer evenings (or air conditioned restaurants). A recent addition to our Estelle line is Mirage, which is a ribbon type yarn, and comes in amazing colours. A pattern for a summer poncho can be found on the Estelle website.
Send us a photo of your summer wrap, we would love to see it.